Photo Gallery
1937-38 Tilleda School Row 1: Russel Watters, Vernon Reinert, Marvin Korenig, Gordon Steinberg, Dale Watters, ? Watters Row 2: Janice Kloth, Neva Zastrow, Wava Dornke, Geraldine Watters, Linda Dornke, ? Voelz, ? Grosskopf, ? Row 3: Dennis Reinert, Duane Maas, Lowell Grosskopf, Wilbert Reinert, Kenneth Salzman, Alex Kroenig, James Maleug, ? Grosskopf, Grace Dornke, Lathorial Dumke, Miss Sweger Row 4: Mr. Chet Wisnefski, Roy Dornke, Elaine Maas, Ruth Passeau, Francis Grosskopf, Geneva Zastrow, ?, Norma Kloth, Faye Kroenig, Levi Watters, ? Row 5: Almina Dornke, Lenora Steinberg, Llewellyn Reinert, Roy Kraft, Robert Felts, George Waters, Lorence Preuss, Calvin Salzman, Opal Kroenig
Tilleda School December 1945 The children from Weasel Dam School attended Tilleda School as no teacher could be found. Standing: Teacher unknown, Penny Maahs, Gerald Buchholtz Front row – Eugene Watters, Betty Klund, Margie Maahs Second row – John Breitenfeldt, ????, Gilbert Dumke, Betty Wuske, Grosskopf boy, Luella Wuske Third row – Angeline Giese, Jerry Trinko, ????, Carol Suehring, Daniel Watters, Billy Wuske Fourth Row – ????, Ralph Wuske, Kay Reinert, Alton Klund, Ruth Ann Stenberg
RANGELINE SCHOOL CLASS – 193б Row 1: Gerald Maas, Danny Sazama, Irene Grosskopf, Shirley Mac Farlone, Dorothy Schmidt, Mary Ann Sazama, Clyde Schmidt, Geraldine Brunner, Arnold Bratz, La Vern Stickney, Howard Schmidt Row 2: Delores Page, Jenny Stickney, Marcella Splinter, Crystal Meinhardt, Ruth Schmidt, Gert Schmidt, Leon Brunner, Shirley Fisher, Louis Stickney, Ruben Page Row 3: Mildred Stickney, Ruth Schmidt, Virginia Wright, Jim Sazama, Stanley Bucholtz, Miss Draper (teacher), Florian Splinter, Joyce Schmidt, Audrey Meinhardt. Photo courtesy: Gertrude Dalke
CAROLINE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – 1935 Fourth and Fifth Grade Row 1: Robert Mellin, Elroy Mehlberg, Vivian Dallmann, Marian Weber, Levi Lohff, Dawn Rebensdorf. Row 2: Robert Klaeser, Laura Haase, Lerie Lohff, Jeanette Schoen, Lawrence Wangeline, Lloyd Malueg. Row 3: Fern Alft, Gladys Romberg, Irene Dalum, Bianca Tornow, Ruth Wangeline, Darold Brockhaus. Row 4: Bernice Watters, James Hertzfeldt, Gordon Mielke, August Tabert. Row 5: Ralph Rebensdorf, Frank J. Buss, Walter Grunewald. Teacher: Emgard Reetz.
Seneca Township Schools
Rangeline School was located on Roosevelt Road on the southwest corner of the Town Line and Roosevelt Road intersection.
The Range Line school in the town of Seneca, was built in 1889 and later rebuilt on the same site in 1914. The first school was a log structure built on land purchased from Robert Schrieber and August Bucholtz. Today the school is of white brick and is very modern.
Walter Wright who is the clerk of the board in this school is supervisor of the marl project Shawano County. He formerly directed the Farm Loan division. He is one of the proprietors of the Wright Brothers chicken farm which is well known throughout this state.
Emil Heins, the treasurer, is very active and has held many town offices. He is proprietor of the Maple Grove Dairy farm.
August Bratz, the treasurer has been a member of the school board for twenty years.
The school has a Happy Workers Four H club which is very active. They entered the Music and Dramatic contests for Four H Clubs every year and last year Miss Dorothy Lind from the club was selected as one of the delegates to attend the 4-H club week at Madison.
Miss Eleanora Draper who is the instructor at this school is a graduate of the Shawano training school and has taken extensive trips in the south. She has taught for the past three years at the Range Line school.