Photo Gallery
1922 – Banner School in Morris Township 1st row: Zela Wendler (Schwartzkolp), Russell Harvey, Fern Long (Christenson), Bessie Hall (Curtis), Hurbert Schenk, Edna Wendler, Ralph Prey 2nd row: Marvin Wendler, Agnes Bernarde (Zienert), Alice Bernarde (Matz), Harold Bernarde, Irvin Schenk, Margret Berarde (Damrau), Gertrude Bernarde (Erdman), Josephine Bernarde (Stienke), Arnold Hartleben, Margaret Long (Drews), Olive Hartelben (Tratz), Verner Wiseman, Myron Pike, Myrtle Pike. 3rd row: Herbert Tratz, Everett Hartleben, Rolland Wisemen, Raymond Hull, Lenora Wendler, Albert Hummer, Arthur Hartleben, Hazel Long (Drews), Alice Hull Teacher: Ada Summers
Spring Brook School in 1922. Spring Brook was in the township of Germania. Thanks to David Neubauer for the submission. Back row: S. Hamilton “teacher,” O. McFarland, Al. Damrow, E. Spitzer, A. Damrow, O. Shmaltz, H. Neuman, H. Doran, R. Doran, “absent” Middle row: E. Monicke, L. Speith, G. Spitzer, E. Krause, L. Krause, A. Neuman, M. Fasher, C. Damrow Front row: E. Neubauer, W. Neubauer, V. Mogason, E. Neuman, R. Shmaltz, L. Spitzer, W. Speith, C. Krause, El. Neuman, E. Monicke, J. Doran, F. Smith, L. Doran.
Frazer State Graded School in the Town of Lessor. Frazer State Graded School was located in the Town of Lessor at Frazer Corners at the intersection of CTY F and CTY S. Mr. Milton W. Seering was the principal.
Frazer State Graded School in the Town of Lessor. Frazer State Graded School was located in the Town of Lessor at Frazer Corners at the intersection of CTY F and CTY S. Mr. Milton W. Seering was the principal.
Other Township Schools
by Jane Glenz
The Willow Creek School was built because the people of the area felt a definite need for it. Their children had to walk all the way to Pella in order to attend school. Later the district paid tuition to some neighboring schools for they were closer than the one to which the children were assigned. Some of the children did not start school until they were eight years old for the parents felt the distance too far, with too many dangers, to send younger children.
At great personal sacrifice they built a neighborhood school in 1924-25. The land was donated by John Willow Creek School Conradt, on a lease.
The school was closed in 1968.
Franklin School District #3 was once known as the Ainsworth and Mathison School. No doubt it was named for the many Ainsworth and Mathison families which lived in the district in the early existence of the school. Later the pupils had two names to select from Mayflower or Franklin School.
The first log schoolhouse originally stood on the land that now belongs to Arthur Vomastic. There are no records as to when the school was built. In 1904, the entries were remodeled. In 1909, it was voted at the annual meeting to “cut the school in two and the back end be moved back and 12 feet be built in between.”
This made the building 40′ by 28′ in size. In 1913, they fixed the school yard.
The inside of the school was whitewashed and cleaned twice a year in the early 1900’s for $4.00.
The enrollment in 1902 was 65. One pioneer said, “When the noses touched the blackboards they had to put on an addition.” Although the enrollment was high the average daily attendance was poor, especially in winter months.
In the early 1900’s the ages of the pupils ranged from 3 years to 20 years.
One child was four in November. There were many four-year-olds enrolled. One register called them the baby class.
In 1909 the school rules were framed and hung in the schoolroom. It listed the teacher’s and the student’s rules. The teacher was to be in school by 8 o’clock, hold students responsible for properties and was not permitted to hear complaints at recess. It gave the teachers the same authority as the parent. The students were to be in their seats when the bell rang, and were to refrain from using profane language and tobacco. Damage done to the school property was to be paid for.
In 1890 to 1900 the school term was two sessions, usually a fall term of four months and a spring term of three months. Later a continuous term of eight months was held and later nine months.
The community voted at its meetings for the kind of teacher the Board was to hire. In 1890 only female teachers were to be hired. In 1892 a male or female teacher could be hired, whichever was the cheapest.
The school was closed in 1950. At that time there were 16 students enrolled.
The Lyndhurst School, in Herman Township, was formerly in District #5. It was built in 1915 and prior to the completion of the building the children of the area attended the Gresham School. It was located on the corner of Hillview and Grunewald Road, two miles from Gresham. This school came into District 8 under the consolidation program and closed sometime between 1950 and 1960.
The Morgan Siding School, located at N8053 Morgan Road in Red Springs Township began in the early 1900’s as a government school to take care of the Indian children present at that time in this small community. In 1915, the school became District No. 3. There were 45 students. In 1932 because of increased enrollment, an addition was added and it then became a two-room school. Grades I – 4 were taught in the new building.
The school was closed in 1958 when the new addition at Gresham was completed and the pupils were transported to Gresham.