“Roll Back Time”
Sunday, September 8
1pm to 4:30pm
- Antique Bicycles
- Pie and Ice Cream Social
- Beverage Booth
Sponsored by Shawano Pathways & Shawano County Historical Society
Wisconsin Wheelmen, a national club dedicated to keeping alive the heritage of American cycling, will be presenting Roll Back Time at Heritage Park, Shawano on September 8 this year, sponsored by Shawano Pathways and Shawano County Historical Society.
The Wheelmen’s presentation will bring to life the Golden Age of Bicycling, as they display and ride a rare collection of two-wheelers dating from the late 1800s through the balloon tire bikes of the 1930s to 60s. The men and women of Wheelmen will be in period costume with presentations on collecting and restoration as well as exhibits and demonstrations.
The back-in-time theme of the day will include an old-fashioned pie and ice cream social tent and old style beverage stand. Admission is free for the event as well as access to all Historical Society buildings from 1:00 – 4:30 p.m.
The mission of Wisconsin Wheelmen is to encourage old-fashioned cycling as part of modern living while following the historic development of the Draissine, Velocipede, Boneshaker, High Wheeler (Penny Farthing), Tricycle and High Wheel Safety and more.
Many examples of these antiques will be on display.