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Floyd Hartwig
After High School, I tried to join the Navy, but was rejected on May 25, 1945, due to my lack of swimming skills. I furthered my education at Milwaukee School of Engineering studying refrigeration and was a student there from August 15, 1945, to my graduation day of December 21, 1945. I then went to work at Shawano Beverage Company where Pomps Tire is currently located and I worked for Orie Williams, that piqued my interest in the bottling business.
I was drafted into the United States Army on September 21, 1950, and was in the 24th division. I had my basic training in Indiana and shipped out for Japan in January of 1950. We then shipped out for Korea on March 24th, 1951 at 8:30 AM.
During the six months I spent overseas I was put on the frontlines because I was an expert shot and served in the rifle squad. I was injured twice and had a very close call. I will start with the close call involving a hand grenade. I came upon a bunker where enemies were firing and I lobbed a grenade about 50 feet toward them, but it landed on the edge of the bunker. Then, I saw the grenade roll back down the hill toward where our guys were. I felt sick to my stomach watching that grenade roll by my fellow soldiers but, it never went off. I either forgot to pull the pin or it was a dud. Either way, I was the happiest man in the world because it did not go off. Now on to my injuries that I sustained.
First, I was shot in the hand on April 16th, 1951 which took me out of the front line for 6 days. On April 22, 1951 | was shipped back out and was then shot through both legs which occurred on April 24th, 1951. On July 3, 1951 I received a doctor’s report stating I was unfit for combat. After being in the hospital for 4 months, I was shipped back to San Fransisco on August 24th, 1951. I find it interesting that I was shipped out on March 24th, I was in the 24th Division, injured on April 24th, which was my 24th birthday, and then returned to the United States on August 24th. Quite a coincidence! I remained in the Active Reserve until November 27th, 1956, when I was honorably discharged.
While lying in a Tokyo bed healing from my injuries, I came up with the idea to start up a small bottling plant. I started it with my softball buddies who always referred to me as Twig, so we decided to call the bottling company, Twig’s Beverage. I sent my military checks home to start investing in equipment. This business really took off and it caught the attention of Charles Lazier, who was the inventor of a Golden Cola known, as Sun Drop.
Once I returned home, I married the love of my life Valda Hartwig on July 5th, 1951. Together we raised 4 children, Ken, Sherry, Dan, and Cathy. I was involved in many organizations in the Shawano community. I was involved with the Knights of Columbus, Shawano Eagles Club, Rotary Club, The VFW, The American Legion, 40et8, D.A.V., and Shawano Masonic Lodge 170. I also graduated clown college in Baraboo and after my graduation from there, I would attend multiple events as Twig the Clown. I attended mass every Sunday with my family at Sacred Heart Catholic Church. I was 92 when I passed away on January 10, 2020 in Shawano, WI surrounded by my loved ones.