Fishing Fever

Fishing Fever

Photo Gallery Fishing Fever advertisement from Werbelows. Notes Fishing Fever – Werbelows Advertisement Some of us might remember the soda pop company, operated by Fred Werbelow on East Fifth Street in Shawano. Here’s a cute “Fishing Fever”...
WWII Food Rationing In Shawano

WWII Food Rationing In Shawano

Photo Gallery Notes WWII Food Rationing In Shawano County Imagine, going to your local grocery store and not being able to buy what you want! Over the years, people in Shawano County that lived during WWII and experienced food rationing, donated their ration cards and...
Phenix Manufacturing Company

Phenix Manufacturing Company

Photo Gallery The Phenix Jolin Plant in Shawano. Phenix display. Phenix garage doors. Phenix garage doors. Phenix Manufacturing Company. Phenix Manufacturing Company advertisement. Phenix Manufacturing Company. Phenix Manufacturing Company advertisement. Phenix garage...
C&NW Depot In Bonduel

C&NW Depot In Bonduel

Photo Gallery Notes Bonduel’s C&NW Train Depot It wasn’t until 1905 that the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad came through the township with its depot located west of Bonduel. As it was quite a distance from Bonduel, a hotel called the Northwestern...
Shawano County Board 1970-71

Shawano County Board 1970-71

Shawano County Board 1970-1971 Photo of the day, the 1970-71 Shawano County Board 1st row: Oscar Wahl, Allen Voy, Earl Zielke, Mary Alice Coan, Don Malitz, Richard Grunewald, Harold Luepke 2nd row: Milton Ludolph, Paul Falk, Lyle Woodard, Andy Machmueller, Mike...